
Fresh Jar’s mission is to make it simple and convenient for busy people to eat nutritious meals.


Through the years, I personally have found myself needing to prep lunches and dinners on Sundays in order to have a more smooth week ahead. With our household of two working parents and two young kids in daycare, our evenings are filled with playing, eating dinner together, and then bedtime routines. Having our lunches prepped at the beginning of the week omits another thing to have to do in the evenings.

Since I have my meals prepped, I know that I will not have to reach for last minute choices – whether that’s the cookies in the breakroom, a fast food drive through or vending machines. I feel more energized throughout the day when I am fueling my body at lunch with real food.

I also have stayed home for two maternity leaves in the last four years. In those six months of being at home full time, I experienced how busy being at home truly is. Now on weekends, it’s enjoying time building the largest towers, playing dress up, baking muffins at a toddler’s pace, and dancing to Disney favorites. But it’s real life over here – there’s also messy chaos at times with raising young humans who feel all the emotions.  I often found myself reaching for whatever was convenient – a granola bar, Goldfish crackers, my toddler’s sandwich scraps – whatever did not require cooking time. When I have a salad already prepared in my refrigerator, it is a definite win. I’m able to eat real food that makes me feel like my best self, so I can get right back to the “Mom, come look at what I made!”


Fresh Jar caters to people who have the desire to eat well, but find themselves often without the time to prepare meals beforehand. We all have many demands; in order to be our best for our families, friends, careers and communities, we need to prioritize our own health and eat well.

Fresh Jar allows customers to spend more time doing what they want while feeling confident about having delicious, fully prepared, healthy meals ready to go for the week ahead.

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Marshfield, WI 54449